Wednesday, April 21, 2010

La Finale Tre Settimane

There are only three weeks, less actually, 18 days, left which is completely and utterly absurd. Looking back it feels like I just got here, that it can’t three and a half months later. Other times though, it seems like the first few weeks and trips were so long ago, so much has happened since then.

Having only three weeks left isn’t exactly a bad thing, it has its positives and negatives. The negatives… well I have three papers all due next week, not one of which has been started yet, I’m getting around to that. Then the following week we have finals in all of our classes. Basically there is a lot that has to get done in the next few weeks. If my day goes according to plan I’m going to finally send postcards out today. I’m hoping that they will actually make it home before I do, we’ll see what happens. A positive though, we didn’t have one class this week because of the Volcano, our professor couldn’t get back to Italy from the states… Loyola gets snow days, we get volcano days.

There are definitely a few positive things to look forward to in the next few weeks. We have a school trip this weekend to Napoli, Pompeii and Sorrento, which includes a trip to Capri Island off the Bay of Naples. Then once we get back we have a final full weekend in Rome to enjoy. Some of my friends are traveling, but I wanted to stay in Rome for one last weekend.

There is a lot going on in these last few weeks. The month of April has been a crazy and busy one so far. It’ll be nice to have all of this work done and just enjoy the last few days abroad. With that said I think my procrastination has come to an end and that I’m going to start some work.

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